Places for Farming
Some places where you can farm:
You can farm in beika gold apples
You can farm Spirit cores in the 2th map to the sealakes near arkuits vill,at goblins and to white sand harboor: the first 4 videos
You can farm Lapis lvl3 to D1
You can farm Lapis lvl4 to D2
You can farm Lapis lvl6 in ovlivio insula (OI): the 5th video
You can farm Lapis Lvl5 to Stigma cave: the 6th video
You can farm Armor Lapisia to Ancient Tree Greendieta: the 7th video
You can farm some valluable things in jungle: the 8th video (we couldn't find farming but we habe found a good video about PvP in Jungle)
You can farm Crests in Canyon of Greed (CoG)