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General Talk

18/08/2015 18:02
I just wanted to say that i will upload a video about the game's economy and that you should see it. I had written more but i copied what i wrote then i copied something else and the text was lost. So i am bored to write everything again. I want you to know that the economy is really complicated...

The End

28/07/2015 01:22
Guys as you know very well the new episode has come. Many many many things have changed and this website is not as useful as it used to be. I gave up the game and with my friends we decided to give up the website as well. So from now we stop uploading stuff on the website and generaly we stop using...

About Shaiya-Tactics!!!

12/05/2015 23:23
We are going to stop uploading Shaiya news on the website for a period of time.We are trying to find informations about something very important and If we do we are going to upload it with other important staff (like Dungeon maps for example).For the time being enjoy site's information and if you...

St.Patrick's Day

13/03/2015 14:39
A new festivity changes our decoration again.What other changes will come....only the time will tell.  


15/01/2015 19:25
It sounds that lvl 90 is coming soon.We even know guys who say that lvl 90 is comming in six months!!!!!!!!!! Is that true or not?According to [GS]'s nothing has been announced.But who knows?I will try to find more information about it and i will let you know.A conversation with [GS]Fogo proves...

New Appearance

08/12/2014 20:43

New Costume

28/11/2014 17:19
Magician Costume appears in Apullune       

Parade in Apulune

22/11/2014 23:45
Today a big parade full of mounts took place in the capital city of Alliance of Light.Very prominent people took part in the parade and the whole of Apulune bathed in light.1 image = 1000 words!!!    

Halloween 2014

The End of Halloween

21/11/2014 20:49
The Halloween Event ended on 11.21.2014.   NO DECORATION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!       But the people of Shaiya are trying to keep this event alive Especially today on 21.11.2014            Too much Halloween Wagons...

Halloween 2014

21/11/2014 16:18
Shaiya's All Hallow's Eve event   COMING SOON  Halloween is coming and many are already showing their ghoulish side. The inhabitants of Shaiya are extraordinarily mischievous. Just take a look at what they've been doing...

Halloween Patch Note!

21/11/2014 16:29
Halloween Patch Note! (updated 11/04)           Hello Shaiyans,     Trick or treat! This time of year has...

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